Corporate Governance

Mips overall objective is to create long-term value for its shareholders and other stakeholders.  This requires an effective and good corporate governance.

Board of directors

Meet the board

General meetings

General meetings


Meet the executives

The corporate governance in Mips is based on the Swedish Companies Act, Nasdaq Stockholm’s Rule Book for Issuers and the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (“Code”) and other applicable rules and regulation. In addition, Mips has internal governing documents that apply to the entire group.

The Code applies to all Swedish companies with shares listed on a regulated market in Sweden. According to the Code, there is a possibility to deviate from its rules provided that any such deviation and the chosen alternative solution are described and the reasons therefore are explained in the corporate governance report (the so-called “company or explain principle”).

Mips’ corporate governance reports are available in the company’s annual reports and can be found here.

Incentive program

The Annual General Meeting held on 10 May 2023 resolved to adopt three long term incentive plans, Warrant Plan 2023/2026, Warrant Plan 2024/2027 and Warrant Plan 2025/2028 for senior executives and certain key persons in Mips (in total 25 persons) by issue of warrants with subsequent transfers to the participants in the incentive plans at a price corresponding to market terms.

The Annual General Meeting held on 7 May 2020 resolved to adopt a long term incentive plan (“Warrant Plan 2020/2023”) for senior executives and certain key persons in Mips (in total 12 persons) by an issue of warrants with a subsequent transfer to the participants at a price corresponding to market terms.

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